Kala Nail Spa's Skin Care Services
Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate...

As we are all taking steps to beat Covid-19, we are opening and following state preventative recomendations. Please call us at 402-991-8807 to schedule your appointment or for more information.

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Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment (60 mins) $100
Microdermabrasion provides a dramatic improvement in your skin's texture. Microdermabrasion is a proven method of reducing the effects of sun damage, lines, and aging for both men and women of all ages and skin types. While the delivery of microdermabrasion treatment happens on the superficial layers of the skin. The result of which can be seen immediately post treatment: it is the deeper the result that is of greater significance. The body responds to microdermabrasion by producing more collagen in the deep layers of the skin. It takes 10-14 days for the result to manifest on the surface, at which time we would expect to deliver another treatment.